I emailed the company about getting the queen and bees out from inside the trap once the queen enters. His reply is below.
Hi Steve,
Sorry for the delay in response, our internet has been down.
After you have swept the bees from the exterior, you simply move the remaining bees and queen that is trapped inside the Swarm Bandit to the entrance of the new hive. Reopen the sliding door and yes, the queen will file into the new home in a matter of minutes. They are looking for a new home, you’re simply providing it for them.
If you can provide them a couple of frames of drawn out comb, either empty or from the hive they swarmed from, the queen can go to work immediately. The Swarm Bandit also allows you to control the amount, or numbers of bees, that are swarming so not to weaken the swarming hive too excessively.
The best part, it ALL takes place on the ground, not on a ladder or in a tree!
The whole processes takes approximately 5-7 minutes after the swarm has settled.