i agree with you jack, and i don't think your getting grumpy about it, i think you are being practical. "Older beekeepers can tell most of the time if they need a net or gloves right off, but a new beekeeper won't until it's to late."
at the minimum, a veil, a pair of gloves maybe, or a jacket. AND a smoker. beginning beeks have not built up the sting immunity, so they may suffer from larger local reactions, maybe not. also i have seen new beeks panic when bees coming rolling out of the hive. many of us seasoned beeks still suffer from larger local reactions, or even systemic reactions, many do not, so each of us work our bees accordingly. taking a sting on the hands is one thing, taking stings to the face, nose ear or eyelids is another. i too think, like others have said, new beeks sometimes need the confidence that the protection can give them to build their confidence until a time that they are comfortable and/or do not suffer so badly from sting reactions. it's just common sense.
and like ray said, it only takes one sting for someone that doesn't know they are allergic, but on the flip side, a sting through a glove or protective gear will also land you in an er room, if you are allergic. awareness of sting reactions ought to be also covered, and what to do.
i can honestly say i always thought i was a good keep when working my bees before the allergy. i think ray might agree with me on this? developing the allergy made me a better beekeeper in many ways. and ray, beeks don't realize how fortunate they are not to be strapped with the allergy.