I make up 5 frame nuc's, 2 frames with both capped and uncapped brood,if mostly uncapped and eggs i look for the queen on it so i don't injure her when i brush the bees off. One frame of capped brood that will emerge soon to build the nuc up quick, 1 frame of honey with pollen and 1 empty frame for the (bought queen) to start laying in. I do the same if i'm making them raise there own queen, except i make sure they have eggs to work with. If the hive is strong that i'm taking the brood and bees from, i will shake another frame of bees off into the nuc and take the nuc to another outyard before i open it up. Of course i check for mite and SHB loads before making the nuc's, basically the same as Ray and Iddee. Jack