With the wood stove pumping heat into the wood shop, I feel a lot less guilty about working in there..
I have a multitude of frames boxes and complete hives to build.. Usually, I have TedH down this way giving me a helping hand, but today, I recruited different help;
I took the picture back by the door because she was WAY too close to the nail gun...
Heres fourteen of the 30 ish nucs I need to get done, these have the frames in them and are ready for bees!
And eight new boxes being fitted out with new frames;
Enough for two hives there.. eight more needed to have ready to sell, and about 40 ish boxes for my own hives still to build.. The only advantage of winter is that it gives me the time to DO all this stuff!
Yeah Ted, I think shes jealous! She OFFERED to come help, but insured me it did not give me any rights to boss her around...