That's a strange looking hanoverian in your avatar. 
Welcome. You found the friendliest forum on the net. A lot of fellow Canadians here who can help with the climate. All can help with general beekeeping. Just sort through all the different ways and choose the way you think will work best for you.
Hope you like it here. We try to please.
Thanks Iddee, I have no doubt that this is the friendliest forum on the net. I have been lurking as a guest for the past month and I see a bunch of great people that like helping each other out. I like it! By the way it was hard to get one of our Hanoverians to stand still for a mug shot so one of my better half's other passions, breeding purebred white german shepherds stood at attention.
Excellent, another Canadian!

Iddee is right, this is the friendliest place to hang out. There are a bunch of us from Tundraland on here so you will fit in nicely. 
I envy you, you are a heck of a lot closer to bee supply companies than those of us out here in the maritimes. If I ever have to do a big run though I will be sure to look you up. Wait a minute, I better check on the map where in Ontario Brinston is first.

Hey Perry, thanks for the great welcome. I am still a maritimer at heart originally from Northern New Brunswick just outside of Bathurst and if I could head east to PEI or Nova Scotia I would die a happy camper. It's always about where the work is. I think I read in one of your posts that you originally worked in City Transit in B.C. I drove City Transit buses in Ottawa for 17 years and the past 12 have been as a Transit Supervisor, 4 more years to go,

. I may be a little closer to bee supply companies but being only 15 minutes from the US border I have to admit that I am very guilty of doing most of my shopping in the US. Running a farm we are always at need of something and I have to be honest, the prices here are at the point where it's becoming unaffordable so most of our purchases are made over the border whether it's a 200. dollar item or a new truck. Pretty sad when you think of it.
Sorry Perry, that enough ranting for now. By all means it your ever heading out this way I hope you will look me up. Cheers
this is a great place to hang out and learn stuff! we also like to have some fun once in awhile, so join in, and don't be afraid or shy to ask questions!
btw..........great avatar/picture!
Thanks Riverbee for the warm welcome. I read your ongoing trials and tribulations with the allergy issue and hope that eventually it will resolve itself. I am getting my long list of questions ready and hoping that I will not wear out my welcome.
That good looking guy to the right in the avatar is our retired stud dog Storm, he's seven and still a pup at heart and one of three white sheps running around on the farm. The guy on the left is just the hired least that what she tells me.