They often get let out of the chicken fort during the day to run about as they will, then they get closed in at night for protection.
We had geese nested up all along the crick below our house.. My wife decided it would be FUN to snag an egg from each nest and hatch them...
Like an idiot, I agreed, and put them in my incubator.. we had 8 goslings running ALL about... Then the fox got one, and the wife was up in arms... So I got the fox... then there were 7... Then there were 6, then there were 5.. no idea where they went, I suspected feral cats, so the live traps went out.. cats skunks and coons were captured and... umm, relocated....
We ended up with 4 adult geeses, and goose poo all over EVERYTHING!! !! !! Thankfully, they flew away that fall.. But one pair returns to our pond each year. it is usually easy to tell its them, because they honk at the door to get bread.... worse than a teenage boy after your daughter... ok, maybe not that bad....