my thanks jen............
we are outnumbered by the guys, i don't stay up late too much lately........ but we still need to keep the guys running around and guessing..............

today i was doing one of my favorite jobs of grocery shopping..........i overheard a conversation between a young father (30's) and his young son (maybe 8 yrs old). i am unsure of what the conversation was until i heard this.... the young inquistive son said "SO DAD, WHO'S THE BOSS OF THE FAMILY"............

i saw the wedding ring on the father's hand, and took the chance, and said, "THE WIFE IS THE BOSS OF THE FAMILY"......

the father looked at me, nodded, held back, but laughed. his son looked at me, not understanding what i said about 'the wife'. so i just said, "your mother is the boss of the family, respect your father, and respect your mother, but your mother is probably always the boss and she will rule and have the last word". the father burst laughing. the son says, "oh like when she gets after me when i don't get ready for school and dad is already gone, and she tells dad when he comes home from work." i said 'exactly'...............

later, i saw them coming out of the grocery store, the father, the son, his wife and two daughters. the son spotted me, ran over, and says to me, " hey lady, my dad and i liked you. that's my mom, i am proud of her and i guess she is the boss of the house"...........

anyways jen, thanks for being here!