Hi Everyone,
My son Josh attended a few classes of a beekeeping course, he missed a couple as his job got in the way. This was last February. During the course he received some handouts (printed papers) and a copy of of the book, First Lessons In Beekeeping. We went over the handouts and read the book. We also joined this forum. The handouts showed us what we would need as far as wooden ware, smoker, veil, etc.. The book was helpful in that it showed us how to install packages. I will say I found the last part of the book a little intimidating, it dealt with bee diseases, maladies, cures/corrections thereof and also the topic of queen superceedure, swarms, queen cells, etc.. The book DID give me the confidence to at least give beekeeping a try. When we first joined the forum I began going thru the posts. Man oh man, that spooked me! I recall at that time I was still trying to keep the names of the different hive components straight. On the forum I was reading things that were WAY out of my league! It's kinda funny looking back on it.
Through this forum I met up with LazyBkpr. The book and the handouts gave us the ability to get started, Lazy gave us the confidence to keep at it. I'm not sure we have a strict mentor student relationship. The idea of that may freak both of us out a little. Possibly because we're both a little on the independent side. I can say for SURE that other than "getting the bees into the box" Lazy (or at least another beekeeper) has been the biggest learning tool we (Josh and I) had and continue to have. It's not just that we've learned things, important things, by being around another keep, but also the reassurance that everything will be okay.
As an example: Ted says, Oh man, I think I've killed my queen and I'm sure it's all over now!
Scott says, I've got queens if you need one or you can.... Don't worry.
Ted says, What if I end up with 600 pounds of honey? Where will I put it? What will I do with it all? It's all over now!
Scott says, Don't worry my friend, you'll sell it faster than you thought possible, or you can...... Don't worry.
Ted says, Josh's hive swarmed and I don't think it's going to build up enough for winter! I'm sure IT'S ALL OVER NOW!
Scott says, I'll send some bees home with you if you need them or, I'll give you a nuc, or you can.... Don't worry.
So, the initial info from a book (very basic) got us to try, the guidance and friendship of another keep has sustained us and helped us to understand the rest of the book, that had intimidated us so in the beginning. Bottom line for us? Hanging out with another keep, going through his hives with him, and the questions he answers has brought us to the point where we not only WANT to expand but maybe even have the knowledge to do so. Thanks for asking Tec. Ted