This is my first year looking into things seriously. I have not acquired anything yet, still in the researching stages…
1- Recommended reading list. I've gotten a few books from my local library that have been helpful, but were recommended to me via another source. Even having a synopsis and/or difficulty level (advanced reading vs. beginner rankings, etc.) from forum members would be helpful narrowing down the choices.
2- Some basic overview of the whole concept (box + frames = hive, broods vs. supers, overview of season, etc.). This could be a video, webpage w/ pics, etc. Believe it or not, it was reading some detailed plans/discussion on how to make your own hive's over on LazyBkpr's sight, when about 9-10 different things finally just 'clicked' in my head. Until then I was acquiring info w/o being able to really put it together in my head? Seeing/touching some hive boxes and frames @ the local club meeting also helped greatly. You could explain it all in about 2-3 minutes of video using empty/new hive-boxes and frames. Maybe an empty frame w/ last-year's comb to show what happens. Here's your brood, add your supers, sandwich this board between here to do this, this board at the top to do that, put a cover on it, you're done. Make a 2-minute video of that and you'll jump-start a lot of understanding.
3 - Contact information repository for local/regional clubs, or individuals, who would be willing to talk to, meet, or help mentor new beekeepers. I was able to find a local club through google, but maybe there's someone who likes helping folks, but isn't part of the local club (or isn't one in the area)? Maybe there's a regional group I'm not aware of? Having a list of friendly-contacts may facilitate conversations, meetings, and sharing of information and resources?
- K