Jen, if you get a chance to work with a Carnica queen, grab her with both hands! This honeybee race is among the most gentle and will hardly ever sting unless you flip their hive upside down and start to yell at em lol. I have both my hives with a queen of this race and it's the best thing I ever did after I started with normal dutch black bees.
"It has a panopoly of characteristics that are increasingly important to beekeepers, including gentleness, less-than-average propolis collection, and little inclination to rob, the real bugaboo of its cousin,
Apis mellifera ligustica, the Italian honey bee. It is known as the “spring” bee for it builds population rapidly early in the activeseason. More importantly it closes down its brood rearing quickly when environmental conditions deteriorate, resulting in less food consumption and a potentially increased winter survival."