i started this thread......i only forgot what day i was in.......saturday , sunday.....just the day....not my wedding date, not my anniversary date, not the year, just what day i was in. i was only trying to make light of a situation i was in, and did a poor job doing so with my first post.
last month we lost a really close friend to cancer. a great deal of memories. still trying to get my head and heart wrapped around him being gone. i got him started in keeping bees a few years ago. i have spent a great deal of time with him and with his family before he passed, and after, and with his wife thereafter making sure she was okay.
the past week i spent a great deal of time with her, my good friend and more; she is family to me. she is struggling with the loss of her husband. i have spent time with her going through his personal belongings, effects, clothing, etc....and beekeeping equipment and what to do with it. actually, she was the smarter beekeeper than he was........
when he first got the cancer, he tried to hang in there with the bees. he couldn't. the chemotherapy knocked him down so hard he couldn't keep up. the bees suffered and died, so i went through all of the equipment, i guess about 35 - 40 hives, double deeps with multiple supers on, to store them properly to prevent any damage . i went through the equipment again last week with his wife, in cold weather. what to do with it, not just frames and deeps but all of the equipment including extracting equipment and the tears flowed.
she loves bees; she loved keeping bees, and loved everything about bees, probably more so than her husband. she didn't want to give it up when he became sick, didn't want to give them up and can't let go of the equipment, but doesn't have a partner to share it with anymore.
i can't take on or buy all the equipment, i don't need the equipment. it's all in good shape. she would like to keep some bees but she can't manage 35 to 40 hives by herself if she were to start over unless she has my help. maybe a few hives. i would love more than anything to help her get back into bees to help her with that part of the healing process with a few hives. a hard decision for me with my allergy and what i have promised. how can i say no?
i guess i was exhausted, and days mixed up for me this time. i knew when mr. rb brought me a cup of coffee and a card still half asleep....
we celebrate our anniversary every year. i just want to say there is nothing i need or want for, and the most valuable part of my life or what matters to me to the most is us......that's it. i don't need or want anything else......
except next year to remember what day it is.........