Wow, I almost never get any of those questions.
I tell folks:
#1 - You are getting a 4 frame nuc
- 4 frames covered with bees
- 2 frames with brood of all stages
- 1 frame with honey/nectar and pollen
- 1 fame of comb, part empty for the queen to lay in, and whatever else is on it (honey/pollen/brood)
#2 - If you want a nuc before locally raised queens are available, you will be getting an imported queen, (about which I have no control over quality).
- acceptance is assured before leaving.
#3 - Breed of imported queen is passed on to those that go that route, locally raised queens are Mutts.
#4 - Mites? Probably, if they don't have them, they will shortly.
-This part always kills me. There are imported packages of bees from Australia that are advertised as mite free! Just how long will they be around here??
#5 - I don't usually show folks the inside of the nucs they're picking up, because the foragers would be lost. If they want to hang around till dark and then pick them up I suppose I could. I ask that all my customers call me after they hive their nucs to tell me if they are satisfied or not (haven't been told not yet, knock on wood).
I will make a house call depending on circumstance if necessary.