Pete, that's some good information you added
Led, do you know how old your queen is?
And what is it about this queen that you admire?
How many hives do you have?
For me, I'm not as apt to off a queen if she is laying a good pattern. Last year I was in my hives every week or two weeks trying to learn as much as I could. It was a phenomenal learning year for me. One week, I pulled a frame, and in just a couple weeks time that frame was almost 100% drones. Took pics, ran to the forum. Some said that was way too many drones. Iddee said wait two more weeks or so. I did. When I went back in, believe it or not, they were all gone, and there were dead drones on the ground.
I have a notion that the bees go thru teaching phases. Like when you get into the hive and you find 10-20 empty queen cells. Or, like you finding an overload of drone cells. I wonder if the older bees are teaching the younger bees how to 'make stuff' that will possible be needed later.
Also, we have had a very long spring, my mother hive has lots of dead drones in front of the hive. I'll try and remember to get a pic tomorrow.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, if it were me, I would check again in a week, and then check again in another week. A lot can change in two weeks.