"One of the most frequent things I see in hives of beginners is their placing 7 or 9 frames in the brood nest, (meaning one less frame than the box design), where you want frames tight together, especially while frames are drawn out with honeycomb. This placement violates bees space and the results can be a real shock. Once frames are drawn with honeycomb and placed over the brood nest, you can use 7 or 9 frames to good advantage."
i use 9 frames in a 10 frame langstroth box, ONLY after 10 brood frames are all drawn then i go to 9. all of my deeps consist of this, 9 drawn frames.
my supers consist of 8-9 drawn frames for honey storage, primarily 8. all drawn. if foundation is in the box, whether it be in the brood boxes or honey supers, i adjust accordingly until it is drawn and move it out.