Ef always has such great words of wisdom. When I was much younger, I thought that people got old and died. That is not quite the case. People get old and die of some illness or malady. I too, remember not being able to get up from a cross-legged sitting position.
Back in April, on a rainy day in Moss Point, MS, I turned 76 years old while drilling at around 12,500 feet, on the way to 17,000 plus feet. No, I don't have a planned retirement. Like Les, I don't have enough time in the day to get everything done. I am in the process of selling my home so that I can rebuild in another place. I'm setting up a new place so that I can keep my bees and some of my cows next to my yard. There is no quit in this old coot. My Master will determine my departure, but until then I am planning and working toward tomorrow.