Thanks, River. This is proving to be quite interesting... And painful!
We've now moved the hive with several swarm cells to the OR apiary and added more bees from the donor hive. While gathering more bees we found two more swarm cells on another frame in the donor hive. There were so many bees in it we decided to make another hive out of it. We took the current queen with plenty of food, brood, and bees and put the frames in another box. This is from a donor hive in Phillipston and this new hive is in Phillipston. We moved the new (3rd) hive to a different spot in Phillipston. We put a queen excluder on the bottom and a bunch of foliage in front of the entrance. We left the new found swarm cells in the donor hive. There is plenty of brood, bees, and food in each. So much for trying to get honey this year.
Despite the lack of an active queen in the OR hive, there are a TON of bees in it, she was very active early on. Depending on how things go I may try to add some using the newspaper method to the new OR hive.
I think we're just working one, big, stinging experiment!