My wife and I started this bee keeping adventure spring 2014. Her idea, I just do what the voices in her head tell her to tell me to do!

Been a real brain teaser so far. We read the books, watched youtube, read the forums, and everything else Google brought up. It's a wonder our four hives have survived. No, really. We studied ourselves into confusion. And....seems that bee keeping is part art and part science? The science part seems questionable.
Things were simple in the beginning. Started two hives and did most things right. Everything since then has been questionable. Things ranging from comical to criminal to just unfortunate. Expenses have really racked up, too. But hey! We did get 11qts of the finest honey we have ever tasted this past week!
This hobby suits us. Hopefully, you good people will get us on course. Oh yeah, we also joined the local bee associations.