That raised bed worked so well I decided I was going to do two more this year, us recycled 2"x6" lumber stacked up to make a bed 8'x4'x11" deep.
got the first one finished and laid down a inch of old news papers to keep the weeds from growing up thru.
Then filled it with dirt from the woods 100%. I broke up the clods with a garden 3 tine hand tiller in the trailer before I shoveled it in the beds. I was able to get a lot of the roots and such out that way.
Finished it and started assembling the second one and the MONSOON set in 8 days out of 10 it has rained. I got the second one assembled but no dirt yet.
Got me to thinking, OH NO !!!!!!!Someone told me or I read some place that after melting the wax out of the comb that remaining stuff in the frame was good for the garden. Now I have found no information on that.
So I ask am I loosing my crazy mind or did I really hear or read that information?