Hey that picture of Michael Palmer giving Chris Harp and Michael Bush "Bunny Ears" was taken at the 1st Northeast Treatment Free Conference in 2009. In fact, I night have even taken the picture, everyone in the picture had a camera with them and wanted the picture, so cameras where flying around everywhere.
As far as "natural" goes, it ranks right up there with "organic". I get so many people coming to my classes that want to keep bees "naturally". Well I break their bubble by telling them right up front, there is nothing natural about beekeeping.
Feral honeybees live in an empty cavity, such as a hollow tree, where THEY determine how the comb is oriented, how much ventilation, and where brood is raised and honey is stored. In contrast, WE as beekeepers try to control these things in our hives. But perhaps more importantly, and most overlooked, is the fact that a feral colony is never opened up. It never has it’s temperature quickly changed, it’s scent drastically diluted, and is never exposed to sunlight. All things that happen every time we open our hives.
What I tell them is there is no right method of beekeeping, you need to determine what works best for you and what things you are willing to and not willing to but into your hives. Nobody knows what is best for the bees better than the bees. We continually try to "help" them with our methods, and they continually fight our "help". What does that say about "our" thoughts on what is "right".