hey retro,
unfortunately this is becoming more and more common and nucs are sold with dud queens or other issues. poor and pitiful nucs. this sometimes is not about the queen, it can be about the beekeeper and his or her practices. my personal opinion is that it is not the tuition we pay, and ought not to be.
personally, i don't purchase nucs without proven laying queens, and expect to see capped brood, larvae, eggs, honey and pollen. many beeks who are selling nucs are getting into a bad habit of throwing bees in a nuc, and placing a queen in that they may have ordered from someone else, or produced themselves, but do not wait to see that the queen is a good queen, and maybe receive frames that are unacceptable, or little to no pollen/honey stores.
depends on how these were 'advertised' and sold to you. how were these nucs promised to you? what were you told to expect?
if a number of nucs were not satisfactory to a number of beeks, then my guess is, the beek that sold them to you and others, it is not about the queens, it is about the practices of the beekeeper.
if i may ask, how much did you and others pay for these nucs? were they 4 frame or 5 frame?