As I stated in another thread:
We're going to start one more experiment tomorrow morning:
P1 (the original donor hive) now has a HUGE queen laying her little heart away! I actually think we saw one more brandy-new queen in there... But not really sure if that's truly what she was. However, there are still two more queen cells that are probably going to ?hatch? (If that's the right word) in the next couple of days. Hive OR2 have a couple of queens cells also that should be nearing their readiness. Tomorrow morning we are going to take those two frames, along with brood/honey/pollen frames and nurse bees from hive OR1 and combine them all into a 4-frame nuc. I guess we're aiming for 7 hives this year?
Being so late in the year, I guess this would fall into the category of hopefully over-wintering a nuc. The nuc box I have is only a four-frame. There are 5 queen cells in it that should be emerging any day now. Assuming one of the queens survives the mating flight, we won't have a fulling functioning nuc for a couple of weeks (that's my guess). Once things really get going in the nuc, should we build another 4-frame box, or try to move them into a 10-frame deep? Which would be better to try to over-winter them in? As I type this, the hamster in my head is running faster. I supposed I need to build a 2nd nuc box anyway so I can put a feeder in it.
I made and installed a robber screen last night because I was worried about the hive next to the nuc trying to get in. Will the robber screen disrupt the queen, or will she remember how she escaped?
I think I had more to add to this, but I've been on a support call for 2 hours, so I may add more later.