when I think of the time and effort involved in assembling the wooden frames, installing eyes in the holes, stringing the wires, tightening them, inserting the wax foundation and then heating the wires so that they stay in the foundation, and compare all that to the simple brushing of wax paint on a perfectly made plastic frame, it's a no brainer.
You make a good point!
The difference for me is the cost. I can sit and make 500 frames from scratch at about 20 cents each as opposed to paying a dollar each, or more. It keeps me busy when the snow is blowing and the wind is howling... It still costs me the same dollar for the foundation to put in the frames, provided I USE foundation... Quite often I do not, and that does cost me a bit more work, but there again, the time spent fussing is easier for me to deal with than the initial cost...
Yes, wooden frames will break, and do break. The difference is that I can usually repair the wooden frame with a bit of glue. If I break the ear off, I can staple on a bent piece of metal to replace it.. Have nopt been successful repairing the plastic frames as of yet.. I have tried Testers model glue, Super glue, and gorilla glue... still no joy.. some hold, until you pry again, then snap instantly...
I am REALLY wishing for some of the old style model glue, the kind that came in the Orange and white tube that smelled so nice... nowdaysm you can only buy the blue and white tubes so the morons dont hurt themselves sniffing it....