As the recipient of Karma IV, I would like to pass on the good vibes. I appreciate the beekeepers, friends, shared wisdom, soap boxes and so forth that this forum provides. So I would like to offer the following for the next Karma round:

This is a new cotton tea towel from Dadant. The Bee Gals can keep this for themselves or it would be perfect to give to the "honey" in your life, thus spreading the Karma even further. Gifting this would be a great way to thank your honey for helping with extracting, candle making, bottling and all those other wonderful things others do to assist you in your passion. A Sloppy Joe recipe is included in the package.
What is KARMA?
It is a random FREE give away to benefit the forum community. It is also a way for members to give back to the forum community.
How it works:
To be eligible you must have made 20 posts before August 20th, 2015
To enter, you must reply to this post
Only one entry per person, if you reply more than once, only the first reply will count
On or after September 5th, at a time of my choosing, I will use to pick a winner. It will go by "reply #" as defined by the forum.
I will contact the winner by Private Message and the winner has 24 hours to PM Me back with their address.
Must be US or Canadian resident.
Some ground rules for future Karmas if anyone is compelled to give back to the forum community.
Let's try to not have more than one Karma going at a time, so try to wait until previous Karma is complete
Giver of Karma covers shipping - lets not get into exchanging funds and the hassles and issues that can come along with that
Item does not need to be beekeeping related, but that is always a plus
Item does not need to be new, but should be in good shape and usable. So dig out all those things you purchased and tried and now sits collecting dust
Please use this thread for Karma entry only.
I hope to get lots of entries! Let the Good Vibes begin!