You Mean.... I am the first of the Female Bee Brigade to offer her opinion on this thread?... I Am Seriously Honored!
Hmmm, where shall I start...
Mr. Wizard, you must be the nicest chauvinistic pig I have ever known. And frankly, I have never fully conformed to a completely liberal woman. I still appreciate having a car door opened for me. You're welcome at my house anytime, it would be wonderful to share some time with you talking bees, hunting, fishing, quilting, raising kids, helping others. And I appreciate that you take a little extra time in explaining things to me, you see I'm just a little dyslexic and I think I have a bit of ADD as well. Somehow, you seem to know just when I'm "not getting it" and you slip in there and smooth it out for me, straight forward and to the point. I appreciate that!
Apis - "In My opinion woman are better beekeepers. they have more compassion for the bees are more gentle with the bees"
I would agree with that. I am the female beek that will see a bee on the steering wheel, let her onto my finger while I start the truck and walk her all the way back to the hive. However, I have had my moments of frustration, when going thru a hive and finding that 'Yet, a third queen has been off'd' and they are making ANOTHER ONE! Right there is my moment of truth and I find my self swearing like a truck driver and putting the hive back together in not so much a gentle manner, telling the girls to "Please Make Up Your Minds Ladies!
Mkay, eh hem, where was I....
Oh yes, I'm going to watch G3's vid on Dee Lusby, and I'll follow up a little later
FOLLOW UP: Interesting how she works the hives like I've seen commercial beeks with 2,000 hives work. This is not a love affair, it's a job, so treat it thusly. I noted that by the time she was in her 6th hive, I would have been still working on my 1st hive, carefully and observing everything, and hoping that I find something very cool or curious to share on the forum