So here's the situation: I made a split earlier this summer and it didn't really prosper (probably started it too late, currently having a SEVERE yellow jacket wasp problem, which just lately I seem to be conquering). Two and a half weeks ago, recombined with the original hive. A few days ago we removed the rest of the newspaper.
What should I do next, if anything? Should I just leave them to re-organize themselves, or should I actively go in and try to do it for them? A little background: there was a 10 frame deep and a 10 frame medium on the original hive, and the split was in a 10 frame medium. (Well, there was another 10 frame medium on the split, but the bees hadn't started working it yet, so when I did the combine I eliminated it.) Keep in mind, as soon as I open a hive those little yellow buggers will show up.