Hi everyone,
It's a little strange to be here, kind of like entering an alternate reality where everything is subtly different. When I was living in Thailand everybody always joked about things being "same, same, but different".
Anyway, it's good to see all the familiar avatars. For those that I don't know yet, I look forward to meeting you.
I'm heading into my third year of bee keeping. I will be expanding to 4 hives in the spring, 2 at home and 2 at a community garden nearby. I house my hives in sheds for a variety of reasons, but mainly the human pest kind of reasons. I do tile setting for work and wood working for fun (it used to be the other way around, but that didn't pay the bills nearly as well). I have 3 little girls who like to tag along to look at the bees, but mostly love to eat honey.