well your observation of time to emergence* lazybkpr is in disagreement with what at least one academic beekeeper has observed and recorded and published < have not seen his data set but I am guessing what he has documented is in total disagreement with what you think you KNOW. feral bees will create smaller cells..... but if you had little resources to build a house would the house you did build be larger or smaller? quite overlooked by the small cell proponents is that nutrition has more to do with the eventual size of the bee than does the size of the cell.
Then how do you explain smaller cells with exactly the same nutrition? I can point to quite a few different places where you can see pictures of natural cell compared to commercial cell foundation, and the difference is quite obvious. I have measured them myself and confirmed all of those findings. I am somewhat confused, because I thought this was generally accepted knowledge by anyone that had kept bees on natural comb. OR, wanted to use small cell, so used natural comb to allow their bees to build smaller cells and regress.
the larger offense (have not seen this here) is the tendency of small cell promoter in their attempt to sell this idea is to totally revise and invert the story of the early development of foundation. this revisionist story telling has been exposed by at least one european academic beekeeper in a letter to the editor in the ABJ.
Then we need to go through all the old books and have them revised. i have read at least a couple different books written in the late 1800's where they talk about foundation and using larger cell size. Off the top of my head I do not recall the names, Wagner, Root, and Weed come to mind. i think it was Weed that made the first machine that could print the foundation in a continuous roll, cell size not withstanding, i dont have the dates etc stuck in my mind...
A link to Michael Bush's site, the only relevance is the excellent pictures of natural cell with a tape measure next to them.
http://www.bushfarms.com/beesnaturalcell.htm I have confirmed those measurements in my own hives, again, with all hives getting good nutrition. I am always up for being proven wrong! but having seen it myself it will take some convincing.
known breeding regimes normally require the breeder to select individuals with traits they think are worthwhile. the idea that you can take one member of a species (with no real desirable traits) and create something with these desirable traits is a bit over the top to my way of thinking. call me conservative in this matter but my bet will always go to any system with a known record of success when compared to a non system with results that have NO HISTORY of success.
Completely lost me with where that is going? Simple mind cant condense complex theory.
I would guess the fact that these ideas originated in a place which have largely been overrun by africanized bees (which are smaller) does not effect some folks as a curious component of the discussion on 'small cell'.
ps... this does not mean that I think you or anyone for that matter should not try small cell. trying things that look promising is always something that makes beekeeping more alluring and there is (imho) no need to toss out idea simply because they don't conform to known systems (even if these systems have been know to work time and time again). exploring the possibilities is always good exercise for the gray matter and these are normally much easier to do with bees than with any other biological specimen that I know of..
* anyone that has reared queen cells comes to know pretty quickly that temperature and nutrition play a large roll in how long it takes a queen cell to emerge. long long ago I learned that 'the book' may tell you to pull cells 10 days after grafting but episodes of early emergence has taught me to pull cells on day 9 < at this point they are transferred into home made curler type cages and then after emergence are transferred to mating nucs.
No AHB in this area that I am aware of, and as for the est, I cannot disagree.
I have removed feral swarms, and hived them on natural comb. Again, feeding them as well as all of my bees were fed, they built cell sizes not exceeding 5.1mm. Hives I have been rotating comb through, for the specific purpose of making new comb, by giving them foundation - less frames, also built cells that did not exceed 5.1mm.
Giving a hive loaded with commercial 5.4mm frames a few frames of foundation-less, they built cells smaller than the 5.4, once they were done making drone comb.... Continuing to rotate new foundation-less frames into those hives over the course of a couple years resulted in them also building cells that ranged from.... 4.6 to 5.1mm Just as I have read in numerous places. I am not trying to compare a Percheron with a purebred mini. i understand the difficulties and concept. If it is a fact that bees do not regress, or that it is not possible, how can it be explained? Why is it a drone that emerges from a worker cell, laid by an infertile queen is not as large as a Drone that emerges from a full size drone cell?
I do not now or will I ever say your wrong Tec, I have been wrong WAY too many times, and it is my best method of learning so that i will remember. I just disagreed... remember, when you respond, use layman's terms for simple minds!