I saw a sign offering organic honey for sale, my curiosity roused, I started looking into it. I quickly became confused. It seems that the USDA has no set standards/regulations concerning organic honey, and maybe honey in general. As I said, it's kind of confusing. Seems that the USDA, themselves, do not actually do ANY certifying of organic products, they only set the standards/regulations. A "third party" do the inspections and certifying. Apparently the bees can be certified under the live stock regs., and the "farmer/producer" can be certified organic, by the practices they employ, but, how can you have "organic honey" in an agricultural area like the one I live in? Furthermore, a product being labeled as Certified Organic doesn't necessarily mean "chemical free". Which in itself goes against what I, and presumably, many others believe! Certified Organic simply means that the product contains less than the acceptable amount of permitted chemicals. I'll be the first to admit that my interpretation of what I read may be WAY off, so please feel free to correct me and clarify the situation. But, the USDA, the regs or lack thereof, the certifying process and all other things aside, how can honey be certified as organic when the bees will travel in a two mile radius as a matter of course and further during times of dearth or over competition for resources? It seems to me that calling my honey "organic" would be a bit deceptive if not down right unethical given the view that certainly I, and perhaps most people have of what "organic" means. Perhaps it's a matter of "let the buyer beware". I truly hope I'm incorrect in this so please straighten me out, but it sounds like a heck of a misleading mess. Ted