All done with the harvest, equipment cleaned, torn apart and set aside. Now comes the fun part............
Wax melting!
I've got the melter all cleaned up, flushed out, removed and checked the immersion heater, bonnet heater works. I got some sage advice from Apis and extended the outlet pipes for the wax and honey. Rather than use valves for the wax and honey, which tend to plug up, especially when they get cool, the extended pipes can be swung in either direction to gradually pour out whichever (wax or honey) you chose.
I've got the rest of my clean cappings from my spinner sitting in 9 three gallon ice cream pails ready to dump in.
I already did 4 of them on the stove top and Jane even helped me. She couldn't believe how messy it got what with wax on the stove, and then running it through a screen and then filter cloth, and suggested actually using the wax melter!
I will start this Sunday morning as I really have no idea how long this whole process will take. We get our electricity for half price at night and on weekends so it makes sense to start tomorrow as I don't want to leave it on overnight. I'll try and take some pictures as I go through this process, wish me luck.