Thanks Ef. At 71 I pray that I will have enough time to learn sufficiently to help lots of troubled soldiers with PTSD learn how to keep bees....... I've discovered that I am absolutely smitten by bees and have a greater appreciation for this creation we are blessed to live as a part of.
Gary, at 71 you're just warming up. As a man with such altruistic ideals, you're bound to merit God's blessings for a long and healthy life.
In Hebrew the expression says "Ahd meiy'ah v'esrim" which means [May you live] till one hundred and twenty".
Lindsay, you got involved in a forum that's for profit---here we enjoy the profit of mutually sharing knowledge about a worthwhile activity.
BTW, By posting that avatar with your little ones, I feel as if you paid me a few hundred. They are beautiful and inspiring.