welcome to the forum tinandglass! love the name!!!
i don't think any of us relish being stung...........it's typically unpleasant, for some more than others. some of us think nothing of it, yet tell some pretty funny stories about being stung or share pix!..... it is a 'hazard' of keeping bees.......LOL! but in time i think your fear will dissipate, and once you become more confident.
there is no shame in whatever we wear, fully geared or not, it's all relative to each individual beekeeper. once you find your way, you will be good to go.
gloves or no gloves, different types of gloves, although i do recommend at the very minimum, wearing a veil and using a smoker. there are many types of gloves out there, a softer goatskin or calfskin can give protection without bumbling heaviness.
if it is any consolation, i am highly allergic to all stinging insects, developed several years ago and have been going through bvt injections since, and probably will for sometime. i still keep bees, but i wear full gear now. veil, coveralls and gloves. i have adjusted. i use a glove mann lake sells and like them very much......they are/were called 'meyers gloves', made of goatskin, very soft an supple, with a nylon sleeve. i think mann lake still sells these gloves?
like les said, some days the bees don't mind and some days they do...........it's true. we just pay attention to that and work them accordingly, to their nature and maybe our needs...........or for some of us (won't mention names)............ maybe not!!!!.......

hope you enjoy the forum and look forward to reading your posts!