Don't know if any of you are close, but I'm finishing up my last student next week in California. He studied native pollinators in North Dakota and he is my M.S. student at Humboldt State University (HSU; Arcata, CA). He's also my last; I had 2 students when I retired and just finished a PhD student (Oklahoma State) this summer and my student (I'm his major professor, poor devil!) at Humboldt is just about done. I'm a free man after that!!! His presentation is at 2PM (Pacific) in the wildlife and fisheries building at HSU, December 8th. If any of you are close and are interested, let me know and I'll get you the room number and other particulars. His talk (about 45 minutes) is open to the public and it is just before his closed-door defense and final exam with his graduate committee. His work focused on comparing native pollinators (mostly bees) in native prairie versus restored prairie in eastern North Dakota. He also looked at diet of various species and the availability of suitable floral sources in the two habitat types.
It be nice to meet some of you if you're able to catch the presentation!