I don't know all that much about the types of arrowheads? These are made of flint with sharp points with the shoulders for tying them to the shaft, we find many that are broken called points the bottom part and the upper part called bottle necks or caps. The tribes in this area were Osage, Sac, Fox,Shawnee, Cherokee, and Kickapoo, there are people around that can tell you what tribe made the arrowhead that you found? Myself, i just know it's an arrowhead, and when i hold it in my hand i'm thinking, i wonder what the fellow looked like that made it? was it lost hunting or was there a battle going on ect.? I went yesterday to the 36 acres that i'm having the dozing done and seen he had brought the dozer over and will probably start tomorrow 12/21/15. I walked about 300 ft. up one creek bed looking for artifacts, but found nothing, probably because i didn't know what i was looking for
, but i didn't care, i love walking in the woods and creek beds watching wildlife and looking for things of interest. Jack