neonic's are one of the reasons I try to keep my wax on a three year roatation.. no comb older than three years. More and more farmers are using it here in the corn and beans... TBH I havent seen an issue with the soybean bloom. Walking the beans, checking for bees many times during the bloom hasnt turned up many bees among the tiny bean flowers. CORN on the other hand.. they really seem to like Corn pollen. the field corn, and sweet corn at my place is usually ALIVE with bees. You can hear the HUM of bees from a dozen paces away..
Not knowing how to prevent the insecticide laced pollen from being brought in.. I just try to keep the wax fresh..
As far as a shortage of bees.. As prices for pollination skyrocket, I think that problem will slowly begin to sort itself out as people realize theres money to be made. It will just take a bit of time for the beekeepers to catch up to demand.. sorting out the things killing the bees will help, if they ever begin to admit those reasons and deal with them.
I also think it will be easier for the European nations to do than the US.. Here.. we have to PROVE guilt before....
Wait, we already have proof of insecticides in the pollen and wax...
I'll rephrase that...
HERE, you have to offer more MONEY to stop something than those who are causing the problems offer....