Author Topic: I think they're dead...  (Read 9754 times)

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Offline Retroguy

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I think they're dead...
« on: February 18, 2016, 01:43:59 am »
Had to combine my 2 hives last Fall due to lower populations.  That went okay but I think I failed to put syrup on early enough and they didn't get enough stored for the winter.  Checked on them a couple of weeks ago when it was in the 40s and they were still managing to stay warm so put on a winter patty in case they decided they needed it. Quick in, quick out.  Had another cold snap after that and when I checked on them this weekend (hit a high of 50) didn't see any movement.  Oh well, typical newbee experience.  Got 3 nucs coming in April and we'll start from scratch.  I'll wait for the weather to warm up a bit then freeze the combs and get everything ready to go. 

I'm getting laid off from work on St. Patrick's Day and am seriously considering dodging job opportunities for the summer so I can concentrate on things that are more important than Corporate America's agenda.  Funny how Upper Management expects one to put the Company ahead of all else.  I'm getting tired of working for the servants of Mammon.  :P   Might just take my Social Security, take up a hoe and sell sweet corn & veggies to the cute soccer moms in my neighborhood.  Maybe raise some pullets and start selling eggs.
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Offline Perry

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Re: I think they're dead...
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2016, 07:02:15 am »
You'll have drawn comb to get those nucs off to a great start in th spring.

Our family has been affected by "restructuring" as well, sometimes not much you can do. Enjoying the summer sounds good to me though! :)
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Re: I think they're dead...
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2016, 07:59:47 am »

I'm sorry you are being laid off, but I am happy that you have the option to stay home if you so desire.  Selling produce to cute soccer moms doesn't sound bad.  Just be sure you don't start trading for veggies.  :)

Seriously, I am sorry you're being laid off, or as the PC personnel directors say, "you're a victim a downturn in the economy, or your position has been (riffed), which is an acronym for reduction in force."  Oh well, you're a cool guy with a great sense of humor and with your attitude there will be other opportunities if you so desire.

On the upside, Perry is correct in that you will have some good comb for those nucs.

Good luck,


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Re: I think they're dead...
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2016, 10:34:33 am »
Retroguy, I am sorry to hear about your work issues too.  You seem to be taking it in stride and remaining up beat.  That's great!  Speaking personally, when life hands you lemons, sometimes it's the best thing that could have happened.  They might be doing you a favor.

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Re: I think they're dead...
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2016, 12:43:16 pm »
best wishes to you retro! the summer agenda sounds divine! 
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Re: I think they're dead...
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2016, 11:27:58 pm »
Hope the bees hang on but even if they don't your attitude is great.

I got fired in February 1999 - best thing that ever happened to me. Been on the run self employed for part of each year ever since, and semi - retired for the other half.

Offline Retroguy

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Re: I think they're dead...
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2016, 01:46:55 am »
 :D  Thanks, all of you (say Perry, you appear to be getting a little more hair.  Probably handy up in NS. LOL).

Just had a meeting today that may open some more possibilities.  Since my job was affected by a move of equipment & jobs to Mexico I qualify for some re-education funding from the State & Feds.  I don't know if they'll buy into this but the U of MN has a cracker-jack bee program.  Wondering if I can add entymology (bee related of course) to my existing B.of S. in Animal Science?  Maybe I could finagle some sort of learning opportunities since I'm only 20-25 minutes away from the St. Paul Campus where all the cool farm kids go.  Or maybe I'll have to settle for online bee studies from U of MT or PA or such.  Or if they won't buy into apiculture perhaps I can take welding / sheetmetal courses at the vocation colleges.  I work on Model T Fords and sheet metal repair is a highly sought after talent.  Almost any pre-WWII car or truck has cracks in the fenders from all the rattling around they've done.  I meet with a counselor next week and will get a better handle on the possibilities then.

The whole ball of (bees) wax can take up to 72 months.  I could get a bee education, a diploma and retire to the apiary.  Hmmm... gotta be a catch.
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Offline lazy shooter

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Re: I think they're dead...
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2016, 08:35:59 am »

Mexico is taking so many of our jobs, that maybe the illegal immigration will be going SOUTH.  Our country keeps on upping taxes and regulations and wondering why our businesses are moving away.  Hello!

On your immediate future, you're on the right track.  Get all the education you can at other's expense.  A good education in beekeeping subjects, such as entomology, would be of great assistance, and some welding credentials would add to your worth.  A friend of mine says, "we all have a tool box, and the more tools (skills) you have in your box the greater your value."  In my work, I sometimes pay really big bucks for welding. 

The better welders that can marry different metals together make much more per hour.  Sheet metal is also a lucrative skill. 

It looks like you are in the driver's seat.


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Re: I think they're dead...
« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2016, 12:29:21 pm »

I'm getting laid off from work on St. Patrick's Day and am seriously considering dodging job opportunities for the summer so I can concentrate on things that are more important than Corporate America's agenda.  Funny how Upper Management expects one to put the Company ahead of all else.  I'm getting tired of working for the servants of Mammon.  :P   Might just take my Social Security, take up a hoe and sell sweet corn & veggies to the cute soccer moms in my neighborhood.  Maybe raise some pullets and start selling eggs.
Retroguy, That is exactly what I did. I made millions for my employers over my career. I say that with pride, not resentment. But the simple fact was you are only as good as what you've done lately. I let them know for years when I was going to retire( as soon as all my debts were paid and my home was off grid). When I did, they were shocked, but they wished me well. I thought I would be bored but Sweet Wife has a honey do list about 3 feet long. So I'm working as hard as I ever have! :)
Neill Sayers
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Re: I think they're dead...
« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2016, 11:01:55 am »
Retro, that's sounds like my kind of an idea.  Except for the hoe part, too many hours of forced labor in the tobacco fields, still get swimmy headed thinking about it. I hated college classes for the most part, especially the ones past a masters degree. Probably would have been different if it had been something more to my liking, and job on the line.  But the welding classes I took, I couldn't wait until the next one.  I still can't make pretty welds , but can fix what I break for the most part or at least know I can't and who to get.

Sorry about the lay off, but I'm jealous of the opportunities you have. 

Offline Retroguy

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Re: I think they're dead... performed an autopsy
« Reply #10 on: February 23, 2016, 12:06:58 am »
Well, yesterday was warm enough to have a look and I was right, they're dead.  Went through all the bodies but didn't find a queen amoung them.  This was a newspaper combine and there were 2 queens involved but I figured they'd duke it out with one coming out on top.  For all I know they managed to kill each other and the hive dwindled.  There were 2 supercedure cell (unhatched) and an unhatched swarm cell so my guess is that the colony tried to raise a new queen but didn't have the proper age larvae.  Not any capped brood that I could see.  I also fell for the "first year colonies don't need to be checked for Varoa."  I'll be doing mite checks this year.

Lugged everything into the kitchen, scraped off the burr and cross comb and put both deeps in the freezer in the cellar.  LOTS of stores so the nucs I've ordered will have a good place to start.

I'm in the process of assembling more woodenware so I'll have it on hand in the future.  By the time Autumn rolls around I should have the old barn fairly torn down and there's plenty of beehive lumber in that.

Got a feeling I'm going to bee busy... 8)
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Offline Perry

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Re: I think they're dead...
« Reply #11 on: February 23, 2016, 07:05:02 am »
Retroguy = glass half full, I like it. :yah:
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Re: I think they're dead...
« Reply #12 on: February 23, 2016, 08:21:11 am »
If you can retire now, Take the money and run. I worked 40 years for the RR.  They own my life. I played ball with them and rode with them. they put a dollar in my back pocket. Today I’m sitting home with a beautiful retirement. Those 40 years went so fast. I still miss the company but not the people I had to work with.

Offline Lburou

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Re: I think they're dead...
« Reply #13 on: February 23, 2016, 11:32:25 am »
I retired early, and in the process settled for less money AND more time.  I'd do it again.  In these 19 years we have bought and sold some properties, traveled some and spent a lot of time with immediate family, our parents and in-laws in their dotage and deaths.  Time well spent.

I still miss the company but not the people I had to work with.
My experience left me missing contact with people (audiology patients), not the job.  Interesting contrast.  :-)

Offline Ray4852

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Re: I think they're dead...
« Reply #14 on: February 23, 2016, 01:03:44 pm »

The RR was good to me. 40 years never laid off. I only missed 3 months of work due to knee injury. When I hired out in 1973 for the Penn Central. Unions were very powerful. The men were a different breed to work with. We stuck together. If company gave us any crap. We would throw the crap back at the company. Penn Central went bankrupt in 1976. Conrail took us over. They lasted for about 20 years before we were broken up by the Norfolk southern and CSX. I finish up my career with the CSX. I'm hearing rumors now. The CSX is talking about taking over a major Canadian RR. When I left, the union was a joke. Most of the men were from the younger generation. They hated the union. Most of them were a bunch of lackeys and back stabbers  That’s why I left. CSX was a good company to work for if you worked with them and worked by their strict safety rules. I saw a lot of people come and go. I guess I’m blessed. How many people you know that worked for an industry for 40 years and never got laid off.  We have 4 major RR right now that need people real bad. If you can pass a pee pee test the UP, BNSF, NS, and CSX need people now. You must have common sense. Work any day of week and work steady that means cant take off a lot of time. I never had a weekend off. When I was younger I worked all holidays. we cant drink any alcohol beverage before our tour of duty because we never no when they come in with the pee bottles to pee for them. If you take drugs, they will get you. Like I said you have to be a clean person to work for the RR today.  Your job was all different. That’s why you loved the people you worked with.

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Re: I think they're dead...
« Reply #15 on: February 23, 2016, 01:56:49 pm »
""When I hired out in 1973 for the Penn Central. Unions were very powerful. The men were a different breed to work with. We stuck together. If company gave us any crap. We would throw the crap back at the company. Penn Central went bankrupt in 1976.""

Yep, that about says it all.
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Offline Lburou

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Re: I think they're dead...
« Reply #16 on: February 23, 2016, 01:58:18 pm »
I get it, and understand why you feel the way you do.  :-)

Retro, I like the idea of more training.  :-)

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Re: I think they're dead...
« Reply #17 on: February 23, 2016, 04:25:49 pm »
Gee whiz Retro, sounds as if we both had the same situation.  Sorry to hear of your loss of bees.
Job wise, this might be a great opportunity for you.  From what I hear, there is a huge demand in the country for welders.  I like the bug study thing too.  You need to find what makes you happy.  I retired at 55 just over 7 years ago and I never have a problem filling my day.  Best decision I ever made!  Good luck with whatever newly opened door you step through.

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Re: I think they're dead...
« Reply #18 on: February 23, 2016, 06:58:57 pm »
 My brother worked for CSX for 46 years, he wanted to retire early but they would not let him until he was 62, or retirement age for every one on SS. the last 20 years he was at rockport in tampa bay where they unloaded freight into ships and the last ten he was forman  there so he kind of had it made you would think, the biggest promble he had was getting parts to fix things that did not work and the young men working under him to do their job. He sang a song when he did retire.


Offline Ray4852

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Re: I think they're dead...
« Reply #19 on: February 23, 2016, 07:28:54 pm »

it makes me laugh how you outsiders think. Most of you think the unions helped destroy our jobs today. Sorry bud your wrong. Unions are the middle class. Union men vote. If we hear any politician talking bad about us. Come election day. Bye bye. The union didn’t bankrupt the Penn central. The PC took over the PRR and the New York central RR around 1970. the PC took all the money from the RR and put it in their hotels in NY city. That why they went bankrupt. 1976 the federal gov formed Conrail. They took over The PC along with 7 other bankrupt RR. We had 112 thousand employees. When they broke us up 20 years later we only had 18 thousand left with a very good company. The unions made Conrail a great company. We worked for 10 years without any contract. Gave up massive job cuts too. Gov took care of us too. I had the chance to retire at age 60. I worked to 61. I wanted to work till I was 65 but couldn’t deal with the younger generation. They hated us older guys. They blamed us for all the job loss we have today in our country.

If the company gave me the option for an early retirement I would turn it down, all they want is get rid of us older workers and replace us with the younger workers. A lot of people took the carrot and ran, a year later they had no job and no healthcare benefits. That age group from 55 to 65 had a tough time paying for healthcare. Most of them had to live without any healthcare till they could get into medicare at 65, the others had to take the gov plan we have today. Life been to easy in our country. People think the grass looks greener on the other side. Not me I keep working till I’m safe to retire.