lol wandering man, this is 2016.......not the 80's................. BUT hey, whatever works for you and how much work/time. as jen and apis pointed out, yes, you can overheat honey. and no i don't use this method. i have an electric radial extractor, (makes life easier) and to process my wax, i built and use a solar unit for processing my wax. works for me!
So, time to cut my mullet and get rid of my parachute britches?
The solar wax extractor was something I could afford, and it worked for me back then. I wasn't aware that I was "cooking" my honey. So, 30 years later, I was wondering why no one seemed to be talking about using a solar honey extractor. I think I saw the word "extractor," and assumed it was for Honey.
Fortunately, today I can afford a real extractor. I don't think I want to go with the crush and grind method.
But I will probably rebuild a solar wax extractor for the wax.
Problem is, Wife no longer wears panty hose, and I don't feel like I should go up to strange women asking if I may have their hose when they are through with them. That might put me in inside out of the sun for a long time.