PK... I built a "shed" to put bees in up Maine.. 6 feet wide 14 feet long or close.. leaves enough room to walk down the middle.. The stands built on either side were actually the bottom boards with built in entrances. We used medium hive bodies to limit the weight lifted. A hatch at the back of the shed near the floor with a piece of cattle panel across it, with a hatch at the front of the shed allowed them to be opened, heat rises, cool air comes in the bottom hatch and exits the top.. When working the bees, simply open the door, they go to the light almost the instant they fly.
A solar panel on the outside, a 12 volt battery inside, and RV bulbs allow light inside.. bees will gather around the lights until they go out, then they quickly exit through the hatch or open door.
The sheds are on skids, pull them on the trailer move them as needed, pull them off the trailer.
I was SO IMPRESSED by how nicely they wintered that i have plans to build more of those sheds here. In Maine, the added benefit is that the bears will tear up the corners and trim a bit, but cant get to the hives.. a fencer hooked to the 12 volt battery already there and two rows of electric fence attached to the building seemed to fix the problems of the bears tearing up the landing boards..
Oh, the landing boards are on hinges.. Come time to move the shed, flip them up and lock in place. Arirve and unload, unlock the barrel bolt, flip the landing board down to release the bees.
I think the major part of the success of the design was simply the fact that the hives are no longer exposed to the wind. Anotehr added benefit is that the hive components are no longer exposed to the elements, and seem at this point to be capable of lasting forever...
white tin roof, T1-11 siding, 3/4 plywood floor, and 6x6 skids. Cost about 1400 to build the shed.. the payback will come in NOT having hives destroyed by bears, and the almost complete lack of warping/weathering of the hive components.
I would post pictures, but in my continued forgetfulness I have NEVER been near them with my camera.. One of these days I will have to upgrade my phone to one that has a camera... Of course, then i will forget my phone.