How is it, it can rain 1/2 inch over my hayfield while I am trying to bale and now where else? I had a hydraulic cylinder give out this morning and spent the day rounding up one to borrow taking off and putting on, get back to baling and after two rolls the heavens open up. I make it back to the house drenched to my socks.
Take a shower, have a couple of beers and grill some deer meat for the youngest. I love a hot and steamy afternoon

Cold front coming through tomorrow, with rain ahead of it. Then cloudy and rain until Sunday.
Normally I would be all mad, but after the time I had last year, I think something gave. Getting tired of looking for the bright side

But things could be a lot worse. You Texicans sure have had a bunch of catastrophes this spring. Canada on fire, and lingering droughts nationwide. People see these events and when they occur its a big deal. But the months and years people undergo to recover are not news worthy.
I guess getting older does have its good points. Something to be said for being to tired to get mad

Some things are just out of your hands, but did he have to show a rainbow the whole time. Just as I suspected the neighbors have a pot of gold.
1. replace broken shovel handle
2. find gold
3. go buy a tractor and baler
4. forget three and pay for painting lessons from Ted.
Definitely 4, how much for a week of following you around?
Meant that last part in a PM, Now I have Lazy to contend with, and he is full of good Karma now. Not tyring to steal him I promise. :eusa_think: