I think you may be correct. Also, most states now do lots of testing for educational purposes. If the school can categorize children as having "learning disabilities" the school is no longer responsible for what the child learns. Per example: In Texas, students in certain grades are given state tests to access what the students have learned. Autistic students are exempt from the test. Hence, if you have a slow, lower than average students, and if you can get that person designated autistic by a "certified" counselor then that student does not participate in the required testing. By deleting the less apt students, the test scores will be higher and the state will love the scores and the funding will continue and the school will brag about doing such a good job and gaily clad locals and all the state bureaucrats will beat themselves on their chests about how great the schools are performing and all be joined in a love fest. Yes, the previous sentence was a "run-on" sentence, and all of you should become accustomed to them as they are the future with our current educational system.
My wife is a school superintendent and she fights against the above system daily. She still believes we should educate all children to the best of their ability. It's an outdated concept. The new politicos have to brag that their system is working, and in order to do that, the test scores must be acceptable. We still have enough good students to make good test scores. Especially, it the lesser ability students are exempt. It's analogous to just testing your best bee colonies.