Around my house coons best not show them selves when I am awake. As a bee keeper I have had them mess with the hives to the point the bees get nasty till the problem has been taken care of. Kare used to keep the food for her out side cats(garage kept) in the garage in plastic garbage cans. they have killed kittens too.
They ripped the seal off the garage to get in there, chewed holes in the covers and cans them selves. they destroyed plastic cans in my pole barn I kept dog food in and Rye seed, and some corn seed.
From April to November they end up as coyote food/bait during the cold months a few end up cooking pot ready.
Yes they are good fair if you follow the rules and prepare them properly. Then the right recipe helps.
As for those in your camp, They are going to be a huge problem from now on. They have discovered they can get easy food and not be molested, they will keep doing it and teaching their young the same. Best thing you can do is keep your food in cashes just like if you were in bear country.
Failing to do so makes camping by others who follow you a royal pain in the *ss
Kare and I spent a night in a camp ground on a lake that had became popular with stupid city people. As we rode the motor cycle in to our spot people were standing in the road feeding the sea gulls, Not very smart really. We were woke up at 4:30 am by a gang of screaming gulls demanding to be fed.
Problem got so bad there that they posted signs no feeding any wild animals allowed fines will be leveled to those caught doing so.
That finally stopped it after 5 years.