Author Topic: Hope no more ends to July like the last one.  (Read 5630 times)

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Offline Alleyyooper

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Hope no more ends to July like the last one.
« on: August 08, 2016, 09:33:36 am »
My crazy daughter runs cross country marathons and other cross country things. Like she has done several 50 milers this year, she was doing one 3d Saturday in July and about 30 miles in she started feeling pain in her right hip. She decided that the finishing medal was pretty cool and wanted it so figured if she walked and ran a bit she could finish it.
Sunday rolled around and she is really sore in the right hip area and can hardly move with out crying. Monday she felt some better and went to work where she does a awful lot of sitting. Gets home and decides to mow the lawn, she has one of those old time push reel mowers so it isn't so easy. Tuesday morning wakes up in extreme pain again but goes to work and e Mails me about what can be wrong. Shoot I am not a doctor I tell her but she should take it easy and go and see a real doctor. She is feeling better by the time she gets out of work so decided to walk with some coworkers before going home. A couple miles into the walk she is again in extreme pain. Finally she decided to do what I told her and she goes to see a doctor.
Socket is fractured in the hip doctor told her so bad if she had not came to him and kept fooling around she would have had to have hip replacement surgery. As it was they had to go in there and install plates and screws to pull things together, put her on crutches for a month.

A week later Kare's 83 year old mom is doing some thing bent over and stood got dizzy and fell. Bloody head and pain in the right leg. Ambulance called trip to hospital ER (late evening) cleaned her head up and just some minor cuts Exray leg and she has a broken right hip. Operation to fix it stay in hospital 4 days and then transfused to a nursing home where they can do PT with her Yesterday was 14 days there. Kare goes up there and is wither all day from 9:00 AM till 7:00PM then her older sister comes to spend the night with her.

I have told Kare if it was my MOPM she would be at home and some one could come to the house to do PT with her. Meals are not timely, they will come at 7:00 to get her for PT so she misses breakfast and would not get any thing to eat if Kare was not there to raise hades. Pain pills are when ever the staff feels like it until Kare gets mad and goes to raise hades.
I told Kare I don't want to hear about it any more. You girls are taking pretty good care of your mother so you might just as well be at home and screw that home.

I don't mind doing my own cooking and cleaning while Kare is gone. I can have stuff like bean soup, stuffed cabbage, Spainish rice and all the salt in food I want along with pepper.

 ;D  Al
your not fully dressed with out a smile.

Offline neillsayers

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Re: Hope no more ends to July like the last one.
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2016, 02:43:35 pm »

I think you are right! Healing at home with loved ones is better and faster than anywhere else. Ask her doc about home health services. Here we have nurses that will come to the home to check on you and make sure you are recovering well and do PT as well.
Neill Sayers
Herbhome Bees
USDA Zone 7a

Offline Les

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Re: Hope no more ends to July like the last one.
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2016, 02:22:14 pm »
Wow, your daughter needs to listen to her body in the future.
Hope you MIL gets out of the nursing home quickly and back with you and your wife.

Offline efmesch

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Re: Hope no more ends to July like the last one.
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2016, 02:29:13 pm »
Sincere wishes that August turns out to be a month of healing and health. 
I'm sure that when your turn comes you put in your share of work to help in the process for all.