I feel like I have became one with the wood dust today. Spent the better part of the day cutting and assembling eight 5-frame nucs. I have to paint and attach the flashing on the lids. That should be it for nucs this season. That puts me at 15 or so. It is finally starting to warm up and blueblood's workshop is coming alive!
I am finished with fighting long boards when I need to cut sections for nucs or hive bodies. It's dangerous to push long boards across the table saw perpendicular to the blade and the skill saw is not accurate. It is time to start looking for a bench top miter pull saw. I tried to push one strip of plywood across the table saw today to cut the sides on the nucs when F L I N G, Z I P, B A M! The section kicked back and flung nearly 18 feet and slammed into the door that enters the main part of the house. My wife opened the door and said, Dave are you okay, all the magnets on the other side of the door flew off! Ha, I was lucky that didn't hit me in the you know what or the neck or head. OUCH!
If you notice the shoes on my workbench, those are on work order from my daughters who believe I am also the family cobbler.