It would be interesting to know what studies, if any have been done on feral colonies. I have read that colonies in the wild make smaller comb and build-up an immunity to pests. All of my hives are from swarms. I know that doesn't really mean they are true wild colonies, but I guess that I am deciding to go the non-treatment route to see how they hold up. And, since they are from swarms, they are free, minus the cost of the wood for the hives, etc... A couple of years ago when I got into keeping bees, I had one hive from a nuc. It was a great experience, but shb had a field day with that hive and then I lost it in late winter. This time, out of all 5 hives, I have been able to count shb on one hand. That may not mean anything, but who knows.
All this to say that I will certainly not preach against treatment or non-treatment. To me, this forum is for learning from others about their experiences and learn all I can. In the short time, I've been a member, I've learned a lot! Thanks to everyone for their input!