interesting response by sue bee, i wonder what the link was?
i filter, but i do not ultra filter, i don't have the equipment to do so. my honey is filtered out of the extractor, and stored in 5 gallon pails. the cappings gets filtered out of the cappings tub. the 5 gallon pails when ready to use is gently heated and filtered again.
i think the ultra filtration process extends the shelf life of their product. (to keep it from granulating).
we all know honey granulates, some quicker than others and some may not granulate at all or take a very long time depending on how it is stored.
i also like how the writer addressed pasteurized honey:
"The table labeled ‘What are the differences between Raw unpasteurized honey and pasteurized processed Golden Honey’ is biased, unscientific and inaccurate. Secondly, Sue Bee Honey is not pasteurized and would not belong in the ‘pasteurized’ column. Many of the check marks from the raw honey column apply to Sue Bee Clover Honey."
i frequently get asked how i 'pasteurize' my honey or if it is 'pasteurized', lol, drives me bonky.