I have about 45 hives I lost 20 last Winter that came early and spring time last year was 6 weeks late, so many many " Maýbee/ might make it hives didn’t :'(
Lessons learned, I hate scrubbing and cleansing dead hives, melting frames and cleaning wax Barf! Puke puke !
I´m going to try to get out of holding beekeeping classes this season so I can rebuild and expand.
I have to find effective way to transport streamline and store material, save time and bee flexiable in the way I keep and work my bees.
It seems that everything happens at once late summer early fall.
Harvesting, extracting, splitting, requeening, winter feeding and medicating all happen at the same time.
I´ve had things spread out at 3 locations and I´m in the process of bringing it all home under one roof.
More bees, but less work and time is the goal. Also I still want it to bee fun, and not depending on it to put food on the table, more of a silver lining and/or retirement fund.
Mostly I want to have fun with my bees!

mvh Edward