And would probably thaw out into a puddle of messy goo
hahahah A puddle with a knitted cap with ear flaps on it and a hive tool.
My bees have been flying all winter.. One week they are flying, the next week it was 20 degrees, a week later it was 50 degrees... it has been mid 50's, and is now 60's an supposed to stay that way for a few days before getting COLD again for a short time...
My first problem is.. the bees are RIPPING through their stores and sugar.. A sugar cake is lasting about eighteen days.. how long can they survive on sugar alone?
Second problem... Queens are laying.. I am a bit startled to open a hive to check it and find half the bees died trying to save the brood... Why are they laying with no resources? Is the sugar they are eating on top making them think they have resources coming in?
Wife reported that they got 40 inches of snow at her little camp... I feel bad for her sitting out here on the deck in 62 degree temps in mid February with my Rum and coke.