heh... I am wondering if imagination is as good as what Perry was going to say?
Okay... I have a little of everything... Foundation-less, wax, and plastic, black, yellow and even green because I tried some small cell foundation.....
Over the years.. it has ALL become a jumbled mess. i have few hives that do not have some of each in them....
I like foundation-less because I can easily punch cells to make queens from, and it also allows the bees to build whatever they wish.
I like wax foundation only because the bees tend to take to it better than the plastic.
I like the plastic because it is easier for "ME" to install, easier to extract honey from, and it can be cleaned up and re used.
I have in the past installed an empty foundation-less frame, a frame with wax foundation, and a frame with plastic foundation side by side in the brood chamber in a new hive.
in all but one of the hives, the bees immediately started the foundation-less frame, then the wax frame, and only when forced started to fill the plastic frame...
However, when they are given ONLY plastic frames, they seemed to get straight to work..
Black plastic makes seeing eggs very easy, yellow plastic makes seeing eggs much more difficult, and white plastic makes seeing them impossible. I don't know if any company sells white plastic foundation anymore? I still have some, but quickly moved away from it.
Yellow or Black.. the bees do not seem to have much of a preference. I buy large quantities of black foundation now and don't worry about the rest. BUT, I do advise you to try whatever YOU like, and see how it works!
To be perfectly honest, I used so much foundation-less because I am SO CHEAP I did not want to spend the money on foundation.. with up to 20 hives I managed it just fine, however, as I get bigger... (The APIARY NOT ME) I tend to appreciate the plastic. I have spent SO MANY hours cross wiring frames and setting the wires in the wax for deeps that it no longer has any romanticism left.
Of all the good advice I can think to give another beekeeper? It would be.. DO NOT decide to pop a top and check a hive real quick wearing shorts! If you MUST, then make sure your wife is not watching!
Sage advice right there!