I have had a degree of success and swarm management, by providing them with storage space for the nectar that's coming in, providing upper entrance is so that the foragers do not have to come up to the brood chamber to get to the supers, collect a lot of honey you have to have a lot of bees,
it's a matter of proper timing when you maximize the number of Bees. I know for some people it's considered a cardinal sin but I always use two brood chambers. that's making sure that the Queen has plenty of space I also use a queen excluder to keep her out of the honey supers. I've never had issues with the bees crossing into the honey supers through a queen excluder, they do wax it all up and propolize it yes. but the foragers always pass through it. so in short, I maximize the space for the Queen lay eggs, I divert traffic around the brood chamber to avoid congestion, using an upper entrance.and I make sure they have plenty of space to spread the nectar out in because they have to spread it out to condense it into honey and that takes up a surprising amount of space.
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