"I have not intentionally requeened, however the queen that is in there is not the original. She was marked and I found her dead after the first winter. They have "made" a new queen themselves, possibly more than once. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the plan now is to sit tight and wait 2-3 weeks then reevaluate the situation. Thanks again."my humble opinion after reading the history of the hive, even more reason to requeen.
i am not one to requeen. i try to let the bees requeen themselves or i use swarm cells in the spring. i keep around 6 hives now and my bees are kept in a rural area with few left who keep bees in my surrounding area.
your 3rd year, a single hive. the first queen you found dead after the first winter.........how did they requeen themselves?
how have they been able to requeen themselves? has this hive ever swarmed?
with one hive i would be concerned about the drone population/genetics/diversity and if queens were emergency queens or from supersedure cells and at what time of year? during a dearth of pollen/nectar? there are dynamics to how a queen is chosen to be a queen, correct age, and how well she has been fed, and can adequately mate with multiple drones.
questions to ponder.........
efmesch has kept bees many more moons than i have. there is one thing i know about ef.........if he expresses a humble opinion on what's going on in a hive, i would take his advice and follow his direction or consider what he said.
i realize you might be scratching your head...... a majority says leave her alone, give her time, feed. a minority says requeen..........
each of us have different thoughts, ways of keeping bees, there is no right or wrong. take what is said, make a decision, try it out, it's how we all learn.
ps about your location, i can fill this in for you if you would like. i do not use tapatalk, so i am unsure of how tapatalk works. be happy to help you out, just send me a pm!