Thanks Barbarian ,that's a great idea !
Well she made it today four days in travel on second day express mail. I do give them credit its a small miracle I can get it that quick considering my location.
I gave them a drop of sugar water on the cage and put her in the dark for an hour.
I took two frames from the strong hive (after locating the queen to make sure I didn't take her) my other hive is a bit weaker so I didn't want to slow her down anymore although she is doing great now and both were laying in the top box I added two weeks ago.
I put the cage and very lively queen and attendants between the two frames of mostly capped brood and one drawn empty I have been rat holing since last year. and two empties on the end.
There was only the candy end and says to release in two days for smaller hives and takes three to eat the candy, so will check in two and see how they are acting towards her.
Probably should of shook some extra bees, but didn't.
Feel free to advise on anything I did or didn't do
I have a jar of sugar syrup on under a super but we are in a flow of blueberry ,cloudberry, cranberry,and dandelion that I know of for sure.
I am pretty proud of my decision to leave the chunk of comb in so they could remove the eggs,and they did, but also welded it to the frames, but bees lives matter